CCC Wireless Automation

This describes the possibilities for wireless automation using the Cisco Catalyst Center, hereafter referred to as CCC (Also called DNA Center, CatC).
It describes the various options you have when Wireless Controllers are provisioned or Onboarded.

  • Provisioned
    • When Wireless Controllers are installed via CCC and “Network Profiles” etc. are used via CCC (also called Automation mode)
  • Onboarded
    • When Wireless Controllers are in CCC inventory, but all configuration takes place directly on the Controllers. (also called Assurance mode)

First i will mention an example of the manual process:

APs were upgraded, configured, and had a label with host name attached (Can be done with multiple PoE switched on Customers network). Afterwards, APs were picked up by electricians who were responsible for the physical replacement onsite, using Prime/CCC cards with AP location.

  • Benefits
    o Electricians simply had to replace AP 1:1 according to drawing with AP location
    o Downtime only in relation to Boot of AP. (no SW upgrade, which will have minimum doubled downtime)
    o DOA (Dead Of Arrival) HW was detected before installation
  • Disadvantages
    o Time consumption
    o Other host name necessary, as well as subsequent manual placement on maps in CCC

AP Refresh Workflow

In CCC, there is an AP Refresh Workflow that can be used. In CCC version 2.3.5 and earlier, Wireless Controllers are required to be Provisioned. In 2.3.7 this Workflow can also be used in Onboarded/Assurance mode.

I will give an example with Onboard/Assurance mode:

On a Controller i have an AP i want to substitute with another AP.

This AP is configured with Primary Controller, same as what AP’s obtain through dns/dhcp. and placed on a map in CCC:

I will go ahead with AP Refresh Workflow in CCC (version

Choose the site/AP:

and enable this feature:

This makes your life so much easier, when the scenario fit in to this. Follow the guided Workflow:

And submit the Workflow:

When you disconnect “old” AP, in this example named “Kasper-Roholt” with a new one… on same switchport and give it a couple of minutes. The new AP will get the same Configuration as the old AP on that switchport and substitute the ols AP on map.

Other method is:

Replace Device Workflow (Access Point)

In CCC there is a Replace Device Workflow that can be used. This applies to both CCC version 2.3.x and 2.3.7. Devices has to be in Provisioned mode

  • When Workflow is used, it is required that the APs to be replaced are not online “Unreachable”.
  • Workflow is intended to replace defective HW

When you choose site and follow the Workflow.

Last Scenario to mention here is:


CCC has a built-in PnP Server which can be used to automate the onboarding of devices. This can be used in Provisioned mode or in Onboard mode using Cli/Template. This applies to CCC version 2.3.5 and 2.3.7.

  • Provisioned
    o AP join CCC (join via dns: pnpserver.localdomain)
    o AP SN/MAC, name, position in hierarchy are defined. This can be done manually or via csv file
  • Onboarded
    o AP join CCC (join via dns: pnpserver.localdomain)
    o AP SN/MAC, name is defined. This can be done manually or via csv file
    o Cli Template is created and assigned

Provisioned Vs Onboarded feature matrix:


CCC Deployment